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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

He is jealous for me....
He loves me.The One who set the stars into place, makes the flowers grow in spring, and makes the Earth go 'round, rejoices in me. He desires for me to love Him. He wants me to put Him above all else.
He desires for me to love Him more than I could anything, or anyone else. So is He first?
Yes, He is.
I fail, I don't always do things right, I stumble, I am tempted and tried, yet I strive to praise Him. Everyday, in every way. He is everything. How can I say I am a Christ follower, yet neglect Him knocking on the doors of my heart. He wants me to desire Him. When I put Him first, everything else falls into place. God is opening up so many doors, and He does these things out of love for me. Little me, He yearns to know. Wow.
He desires that I give Him everything. It has always been difficult for me to trust anyone. So trusting God with circumstances that I wish to control, is very difficult. I sometimes find myself wanting to snatch something back that I've laid down at the foot of the Cross. But, I just have to submit everything to Him. He will provide. He is everything, He is my heart's desire!

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